952 797 962 – 628 272 622 info@mantenimientoselparaiso.es

Mantenimientos El Paraiso – Contact Page


C/Matías Prats, Edif. Vista África, Local 2, Estepona (Málaga) 29680


952 797 962  –  628 272 622



Office Hours:

Monday to Friday: 8:00  to 16:00

Saturday:Emergencies only

Sunday:Emergencies only

Through this form, please send us any question or suggestions. We will answer as soon as possible.

In Mantenimientos El Paraíso, we are compromised in give every day a better service and organization. For us communication is a fundamental pillar. Tell us over which theme or service you need advice. We will contact you as soon as possible.

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    Your Phone(required)


    Your Message

    Gardens Maintenance Company, integral maintenance to Communities, Macro communities, Companies, Hotels, Clubs, Public Administration, Schools …


    C/Matías Prats, Edif. Vista África, Local 2, Estepona (Málaga) 29680
    952 797 962 – 628 272 622
    Monday to Friday: 08:00 – 16:00
    Saturday: 10:00 – 12:00
    Sunday: Emergencies Only


    5 Súper consejos para tener un césped feliz

    Algo que todos queremos ver en nuestro jardín es un césped verde y saludable, de hecho, es una de nuestras especialidades y una inquietud habitual en las consultas de nuestros clientes. A continuación te explicamos cinco sencillos consejos para conseguir un césped...

    SUMMER gives no respite… The gardens need maintenance…

    The truth is that the summer is a very busy time on the Costa del Sol. The gardens are in full bloom, plants grow and the lawn needs special care. The characteristics of the climate of this season accelerate the sap and plant growth, the harsh sun lurks, therefore...

    ¿What kind of plants should be plant near the pool ?

    In communities, clubs and in/ or private homes, gardens and pools are an important focal point in the landscape and the approach of a project. The idea is to devise a merging between the two, a transition between the functional and the aesthetic, which makes the pool...

    Palm Tree Punning in the Province of Malaga

    Palm Trees increasingly have a greater role within the coastal zone Landscapes. There are about 2000 different species, which vary according to the shape of its branches, trunk and habitat. No need to prune pal trees so often, quite the opposite, with it done once a...

    Mantenimientos El Paraíso launches its new online image

    If there is something we cannot stop doing, is to be at the forefront, to-date with technology, with new operating systems and social networks. A goal to meet was and is to provide all necessary information so that you can know us, access to our services, information,...